Empowered Elderly, Independent Elderly - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Empowered Elderly, Independent Elderly

Empowered Elderly, Independent Elderly

August 25, 2022 | Other Activities

77 years of Indonesia's independence, the achievement of independence can be reflected in quality economic development which leads to increased welfare of the population. Every individual has the right and obligation to contribute to development. How can the elderly also play an active role in development, especially the elderly in Jambi Province. The elderly in general are always identical with declining physical conditions and are not economically productive. An increasingly old age without financial independence has the potential to create a sandwich generation or a generation with multiple responsibilities to the generation above it (parents or in-laws) as well as the generation below it (children) at the same time. According to WHO, the elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. BPS classifies the elderly into three age groups, namely young elderly (age group 60-69 years), middle elderly (age group 70-79 years), and old elderly (age group 80 years and over). BPS recorded the percentage of the elderly population in Indonesia at 10.82 percent and in Jambi Province itself at 9.57 percent. The elderly population is concentrated in the young elderly by 68.83 percent, the remaining 23.74 percent is in the middle elderly group and 7.43 percent in the old elderly group. Compared to 2020 where the number of elderly people in Jambi Province was 7.90 percent, there was an increase in the number of elderly people by 2.92 percent. The increasing number of elderly should indicate an increase in the quality of life. The healthier the elderly population is proportional to the decrease in the number of deaths and the longer the life expectancy. This encouraging demographic record must, of course, eliminate socio-economic issues. The existing elderly must be empowered and financially independent and not be a burden to the state.

Data shows that as many as 33.62 percent of the elderly in Jambi Province live with their nuclear families and in the second place or 29.80 percent live in large families with their children-in-law and grandchildren (three generations). The role of the elderly in the household is also very large where 61.37 percent of the elderly have the status of household heads.

As head of household, of course, the elderly must be responsible economically and in leadership even though they are in the same house with children who are already married. The role of the elderly in the economy can be seen from the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK). In 2021, the role of the elderly is quite large, reaching 50.32 percent, which means that out of 100 elderly there are 50 people who are still active in economic activities (49.48 percent are working and 0.83 percent have not managed to get a job and become unemployed).

Quoting from several scientific studies, the motivations that encourage the elderly to be involved in economic activities include: the physical and psychological conditions of the elderly are still strong so they can still actively work or find work, fears of physical and psychological setbacks if they are not active, economic motives to meet daily needs. days and still have dependents, do not want to be a burden on children, and self-actualization.

The majority of Jambi's elderly work in the agricultural sector (66.95 percent), 24.84 percent work in the service sector, and only 8.21 percent work in the manufacturing sector. The characteristics of elderly workers according to education show that 88.50 percent of the elderly do not/have never attended school, 74.89 percent do not/have not finished elementary school, and 71.52 percent of primary school education/equivalent majority work in the agricultural sector. In fact, Jambi's elderly population is still absorbed in sectors that do not require certain educational qualifications. The agricultural sector, in general, only requires physical strength regardless of the diploma they have.

Of course, it also affects the income received which is on average lower than other sectors.

Being an elderly person does not make an elderly person only a spectator in development.

They participate and contribute significantly despite their physical limitations and education. Hopefully in the future the elderly will be healthier, stronger, and more productive. Because there are times when we will be in their position. (Jambi/Nerwilis data)

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