Overview of Jambi City BPS Website Visitors - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Overview of Jambi City BPS Website Visitors

Overview of Jambi City BPS Website Visitors

September 22, 2022 | Other Activities

Lately, the use of words in speech and descriptions is increasingly widespread and more and more people are using words that are rarely used so far, so that sometimes we don't know the meaning of these words.

The use of these words can be seen in the real world or in cyberspace such as on social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other chat-based applications such as Line, BBM, Whats App and so on.

There are many terms found in the world of blogs, these terms are certainly not all understood by beginner bloggers.

Unfortunately, common terms such as visitor, pageview, unique visitor, and bounce rate are not even uncommon, there are still many bloggers who don't know for sure.

Thus, it can be interpreted that the more vocabulary, the easier it is for someone to communicate and express opinions to certain people.

In the English-Indonesian Dictionary, which is an online dictionary created to facilitate the search, use and reading of the meaning of the word. Such is the explanation of the meaning of the word visitor.

In the English-Indonesian Dictionary the word visitor is defined as a visitor, but to find out the true meaning of the word visitor so that we can better understand reading sentences containing the word, the meaning of the word visitor in the English-Indonesian Dictionary is kb. visitors, guests.

The general terms in the blog world should be known to make it easier for you to manage your blog. At least we should know the difference and understanding between one another.

To better understand the notion of visitor and unique. Here is the definition of visitor, unique as follows.


Visitor is the total number of visitors from a blog or website in a certain period of time. Or simply, everyone who has accessed your blog page is called a visitor.

However, visitors are not only in the form of humans who access, but also some software commonly called bots are also counted as visitors. However, visitors from bots are normally very small in number.

Bot itself is divided into two types, namely profitable and detrimental. From the profitable side, there is a Google bot whose job is to browse blog pages so that they can then be accessed through the Google search engine.

While the disadvantage could be in the form of auto visitor bots or commonly referred to as jingling.

These auto visitor bots can usually only work on someone's orders, whether it's for fun or other problems.

But the point is that auto visitor bots are very detrimental to the blog owner in question.

Unique Visitors (UV)

Unique Visitors (UV) are unique visitors to a blog, where they visit your blog more than once.

For example, if your visitor accesses the blog today and returns the next day, it is classified as a unique visitor.

However, if a visitor only accesses your blog once and never returns, then it is only classified as an ordinary visitor.

The more unique visitors to a blog, the better the development of the blog.

As for calculating the number of visitors and pageviews accurately you can use Google Analytics or hisstats services.

The reason is, these two services will not count incoming bots but only count purely human visitors.

You can use one of these services by visiting the official website.

To better understand, what is meant by one visit is a person enters a website and opens one or more pages.

Friends of Entrepreneurship must pay attention to the number of visits and unique visitors, where unique visitors reflect how many visitors are already aware of your website, while the number of visits reflects how much visitors are interested in visiting our website.

Unique Visitors are considered unique in a website, because they visit the website more than once.

For example, a visitor who accesses the Sahabat Wirausaha website today and returns tomorrow, is classified as a unique visitor.

The more unique visitors on a website, the better the development of the website.

From the table above, it can be seen that the total visitor/number of website visitors at the Jambi City BPS in the first quarter of 2018 was 3,548 and continued to increase to 5,910 in the first quarter of 2019, and 6,103 in the first quarter of 2020 and 9,689 in the first quarter of 2019. I in 2021 and 7,069 in the first quarter of 2022.

If you pay attention to the annual total number of visitors, the highest in the fourth quarter of each year. This indicates that in trw IV many visited the Jambi City BPS website to look for data, especially among students who were making / compiling theses.

This condition is in accordance with the schedule in universities holding graduation in April.

If you look further at the visitor data on the Jambi City BPS website, during the covid-19 pandemic, Jambi City BPS did not serve library visitors who came to Jambi City BPS.

Here, the Jambi City BPS recommends that potential visitors follow online.

This situation is seen by the decreasing number of library visitors and the increasing number of visitors to the Jambi City BPS website.

The average visitor to the Jambi City BPS website per day, in 2018 found 51 people, and increased to 53 people per day tRW IV in 2019 and 72 people per day in 2020 and 93 people in 2021.

If you look at the number of visitors to the Jambi City BPS website per quarter, the highest number of visitors in Q4 2021 is TRW II in 2019, this condition. As explained above, unique visitors are unique visitors, where they visit the website more than once. time.

Of the 3,548 visitors in Trw I 2018, 2,625 or 74 percent were unique visitors.

This indicates that more than once visitors to the Jambi City BPS website more than once. The number of unique visitors to the Jambi City BPS Website ranges from 70 -85 percent.

From the description above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The total visitors to the Jambi City BPS Website are increasing every year

2. The average visitors of the Jambi City BPS Website per day from 2018 – 2022 ranged from 39 to 109.

3. The greater the unigue ratio, the less guests visit and the more guests visit more than 1 time

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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(Statistics of Jambi Province)

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