The First Step Towards One Data Bungo Social Protection and Community Empowerment Program - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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The First Step Towards One Data Bungo Social Protection and Community Empowerment Program

The First Step Towards One Data Bungo Social Protection and Community Empowerment Program

September 29, 2022 | Other Activities

The Government's Work Plan in 2021 and 2022 which aims to improve the implementation of social protection programs for all Community protection system reform is a structural reform in society.

Improvement of the mechanism for implementing protection programs for all citizens based on vulnerability in order to fulfill the principles of being right on target, timely, easy, accountable, and responsive to disaster conditions. The main prerequisite for reforming the social protection system is the transformation of data towards Social Economic Registration (Regsosek) for the entire population.

Data transformation to Regsosek is an effort to change the provision of sectoral socio-economic data into integrated and accurate data.

Changes in the provision of socio-economic data include: a) coverage of the entire population of Indonesia; b) the same standards and methodologies; c) regular updates; d) easily accessible; and e) shared.

As the initial step of the reform, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) will simultaneously conduct a Pre-Regsosek Data Collection including the Bungo Regency BPS.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Bungo Regency together with the Bungo Regency Government held a Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) inviting Forkompinda, Regional Government Organizations (OPD) and all Heads of Sub-districts/Lurah/Rio throughout Bungo Regency regarding the activities of Initial Data Collection for Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek).

The coordination meeting which took place on Wednesday (21/9/2022) at the Ballrom of the Amaris Hotel Muara Bungo was officially opened by the Deputy Regent of Bungo H Safrudin Dwi Aprianto, S.Pd.

The Head of Bungo Regency BPS together with the Bungo Regency Bappeda Head were the resource persons in this activity.

In the material presented by the Head of BPS, the Head of BPS said that this activity is a large activity that does not only belong to BPS but is a joint work and collaboration of all parties, especially with village, sub-district and sub-district governments who will later become data users.

Because the purpose of the Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection is to provide a system and database for the entire population consisting of profiles, social conditions, economics, and welfare levels that are linked to population master data and other databases up to the village/kelurahan level.

So that the participation of all elements of government from the village to the district level becomes very important and valuable in guarding this initial Regsosek data collection.

Bungo Regency, which consists of 17 sub-districts and 153 villages/sub-districts, will all be carried out preliminary data collection for Regsosek without exception.

To conduct this initial data collection, BPS Bungo Regency will involve partners who have been selected from the results of the selection that has been carried out.

The number of field officers who will be involved is 621 officers with details of 474 Field Data Collection Officers (PPL), 123 Supervisory Officers (PML), and 24 District Census Coordinators (Koseka). The Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection will take place for a month from October 15 to November 14, 2022.

During this time, all officers will carry out complete data collection for all communities in Bungo Regency using a family approach.

By paying attention to the domicile of all family members listed on the family card.

The initial Regsosek data collection will produce integrated data aimed at social protection programs and other programs needed by the community, so that government policies can be more focused and on target.

The importance of planning and evaluating development will be better because it is based on a database that covers the entire population. Regsosek will bridge the coordination and sharing of data across institutions and regions to ensure consistent use of data. (Jambi data/)

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