ST2023 Anomaly Data Repair for Quality Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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ST2023 Anomaly Data Repair for Quality Data

ST2023 Anomaly Data Repair for Quality Data

October 5, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Jambi Province plays a crucial role in observing and managing the results of the 2023 Agricultural Census data collection. After collecting data from the field, the process of identifying anomalies becomes an important stage in ensuring the accuracy of the data produced.

Anomalous data includes data identified as outside the normal data (outliers), inconsistent, incomplete, and so on. Anomalous data has a significant impact on the final outcome, influencing agricultural policy, resource allocation, and future planning. Therefore, experts at BPS Jambi Province carefully analyze each of these anomalies to understand their causes and measure their potential impact.

Identification of these anomalies is not just a technical task, but also an art in statistical science. Analysts at BPS Jambi Province must distinguish between data that truly reflects the field situation and data that may come from non-sampling error, for example errors in field data collection, input errors, or other unexpected factors. So a fast and precise solution is needed, to ensure that the data produced by the 2023 Agricultural Census is reliable and accurate.

These steps reflect BPS Jambi Province's commitment to maintaining data integrity, which is the foundation of effective policy and planning in the agricultural sector. By carefully identifying and responding to anomalies, they help ensure that the information presented to policymakers and researchers has the reliability necessary to make intelligent, sustainable decisions. In this way, BPS Jambi Province not only carries out its duties as a statistical institution, but also becomes the guardian of the accuracy of information which is the basis for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in the province.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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