Joint Release of Jambi Province's Economic Growth in Quarter II 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Joint Release of Jambi Province's Economic Growth in Quarter II 2024

Joint Release of Jambi Province's Economic Growth in Quarter II 2024

August 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #Sahabatdata, on Monday (5/8) afternoon in the Kajang Lako Room of the Bank Indonesia Jambi Representative Office, a joint release of Jambi Province's economic growth in Quarter II 2024 was held. This joint release is a form of solid collaboration from economic stakeholders in Jambi Province, including:
a. Jambi Province Central Statistics Agency
b. Bank Indonesia Jambi Province
c. Jambi Province Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb), and
d. Jambi Province Bappeda

In his remarks, Sudirman, the Regional Secretary of Jambi Province greatly appreciated this joint release activity, "Hopefully our collaboration will be even more solid to support the development of Jambi Province so that in the future, the data we produce can be more accurate, so that the policies that we will apply to the community can be planned and executed appropriately," explained Sudirman.

Agus Sudibyo, Head of BPS Jambi Province opened the joint release by delivering economic growth data for the second quarter of 2024, which was continued with an explanation of the economic phenomena that occurred throughout the second quarter of 2024 by the Head of the Representative Office of the Director General of Treasury of Jambi Province, Head of the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Jambi Branch and Head of Bappeda Jambi Province.

Of course, #Sahabatdata can access this data through our website!

#Sahabatdata who want to watch the joint release activities again, can do so through the BPS Jambi Province YouTube social media, yes! Thank you, hopefully it is useful.
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