Knowledge Sharing Bureaucratic Reform [Visit of the BPS Regional Team of Aceh and Riau Provinces] - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Knowledge Sharing Bureaucratic Reform [Visit of the BPS Regional Team of Aceh and Riau Provinces]

Knowledge Sharing Bureaucratic Reform [Visit of the BPS Regional Team of Aceh and Riau Provinces]

August 28, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday (28/8) morning, Agus Sudibyo, Head of BPS Jambi Province received a visit from the PDRB-ISE Regional Team for the Sumatra Region in 2024 from the Provinces of Aceh and Riau. In his presentation, Agus conveyed the various efforts that have been made by BPS Jambi Province in implementing Bureaucratic Reform to successfully achieve the WBK predicate in 2022. "We must understand in detail our daily work, document it, and link it to each pillar," explained Agus.

On that occasion, the Head of BPS Riau Province, Asep Riyadi, also shared his experience. He said that the commitment of the leadership is the most important thing in efforts to achieve WBK and WBBM. In line with what was conveyed by Agus Sudibyo, Asep also said that all efforts are not additional work.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Riswan, Head of BPS Aceh Province said that WBK is not merely an award, but also part of BPS rebranding. "It takes a collaboration strategy and sharing of information like this activity to achieve WBK," said Riswan.

BPS Aceh and Riau Provinces along with the ranks from the districts greatly appreciate and are grateful for the welcome and sharing of information from BPS Jambi Province.
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