Discussion with BRIN [Discussion of ITKPP Data Results and Verification] - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Discussion with BRIN [Discussion of ITKPP Data Results and Verification]

Discussion with BRIN [Discussion of ITKPP Data Results and Verification]

September 12, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday (12/9) morning, in the Hall Room, Agus Sudibyo, Head of BPS Jambi Province along with staff, received a visit from BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency). The visit from the institution responsible for organizing research and innovation, aimed to hold a discussion and obtain input related to ITKPP or the Government and Development Governance Index.

ITKPP is related to measuring good governance with a different focus, namely social inclusiveness and local wisdom. BRIN said that currently ITKPP is being tested in six provinces, one of which is Jambi Province. On that occasion, BRIN informed that its task is limited to developing ITKPP, while calculations for the future will be decided by the central government. BRIN also revealed that the results of the trial are still temporary because it has only been carried out in six provinces and the data collected is relatively minimal.

In the discussion, Agus provided input on a number of indicators that can be provided by BPS, but must still pay attention to the concept of definition or reference that is the same as the calculation of ITKPP.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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(Statistics of Jambi Province)

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