Inauguration of Administrator Officials at the Jambi Province Central Statistics Agency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Inauguration of Administrator Officials at the Jambi Province Central Statistics Agency

Inauguration of Administrator Officials at the Jambi Province Central Statistics Agency

October 7, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday, October 7, 2024, at the Jambi Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Hall, the inauguration of two Administrator Officials was carried out by Agus Sudibyo, Head of the Jambi Province BPS. In the event, Wasi Riyanto, S.ST., M.E. was inaugurated as Head of the East Tanjung Jabung Regency BPS and Mudjiono, S.Si., M.E. was inaugurated as Head of the West Tanjung Jabung Regency BPS.

This inauguration is a strategic step in strengthening leadership and improving the quality of performance within the Jambi Province BPS. Hopefully, the two newly inaugurated officials can bring positive changes and optimal contributions to statistical management in their respective regions.

In addition, on the same occasion, the Civil Servant Oath-Taking and Inauguration of Functional Officials were also carried out, with 14 employees being sworn in and appointed to functional positions, and 1 other employee being inaugurated to a functional position.

This inauguration is an important momentum in improving the professionalism and dedication of all state apparatus at the BPS of Jambi Province. Hopefully all officials and employees who are inaugurated can carry out their mandate as well as possible in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Congratulations to all newly inaugurated officials. Let us together commit to continue providing the best service to the community.
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