3rd Annual Public Information Disclosure Visitation BPS Jambi Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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3rd Annual Public Information Disclosure Visitation BPS Jambi Province

3rd Annual Public Information Disclosure Visitation BPS Jambi Province

October 9, 2024 | Other Activities

The predicate "INFORMATIVE" has been obtained by BPS Jambi Province for 2 consecutive years and in 2023 it succeeded in becoming an INFORMATIVE public body with the highest score in Jambi Province.

This year, BPS Jambi Province again participated in the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Information Disclosure. On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, the Jambi Province Information Commission @kiprovjambi returned to visit in the context of the Public Information Disclosure Assessment Visitation. Welcomed directly by the Head of BPS Jambi Province, Agus Sudibyo, the assessment team who were present to witness the presentation given.

Agus explained efforts to open public information, innovations made, and achievements obtained related to public services. In addition, BPS Jambi Province provided assistance to all Regency/City BPS in Jambi Province to be able to comply with public information disclosure regulations. As a result, in 2023, 7 work units received the informative predicate, 1 work unit received the predicate towards informative, and 1 work unit received the predicate quite informative. It is hoped that in 2024 all BPS Regency/City in Jambi Province can pocket the informative predicate as a form of compliance related to public information disclosure.

Al Munawar, Deputy Chairperson of the Jambi Province Information Commission (KI) expressed his appreciation to BPS Jambi Province and said that public information disclosure at BPS Jambi Province can be an example for other agencies. Agreeing with Al Munawar, Indra Lesmana (Coordinator of ASE) also appreciated the innovations made by BPS Jambi Province both related to infrastructure, services, and digitalization. And the involvement of leaders is an important point in implementing public information disclosure which will become a good habit in the agencies they lead.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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(Statistics of Jambi Province)

 Jl.A. Yani No.4 Telanaipura Jambi


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