Jambi's Human Development Index Enters High Status - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Jambi's Human Development Index Enters High Status

Jambi's Human Development Index Enters High Status

December 4, 2024 | Other Activities

The Jambi Province BPS released human development achievements described by the Human Development Index (2/12/24). Jambi Province's Human Development Index in 2024 reached 74.36, an increase of 0.63 points or 0.85 percent compared to 2023. This index illustrates that Jambi Province's human development achievements are in high status or in the range of 70.00 - 80.00.

The increase in Jambi Province's Human Development Index in 2024 occurred in all dimensions, namely the dimension of longevity and healthy living, the dimension of knowledge, and the dimension of a decent standard of living. The increase in the dimension of a decent standard of living was faster than other dimensions. In detail, each indicator experienced development compared to 2023, as follows: Expected Years of Schooling (HLS) of 1.02 percent compared to the previous year and Average Length of Schooling (RLS) of 1.50 percent compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, Life Expectancy at Birth (UHH) experienced a growth of 0.30 percent and Real Expenditure per Capita per year adjusted experienced a growth of 4.13 percent higher than the previous year.

At the district/city level, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency is the regency with the highest increase in Human Development Index, which is 1.32 percent and followed by Bungo Regency which increased by 1.18 percent

#DataFriends who want to know more about Jambi's Human Development Index can access complete data at https://jambi.bps.go.id or through the "Statistik Jambi" application which can be downloaded on the Playstore for free.
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(Statistics of Jambi Province)

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