Be a “Pearl” [Briefing for CPNS Graduates of Polstat STIS Class of 2024] - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Be a “Pearl” [Briefing for CPNS Graduates of Polstat STIS Class of 2024]

Be a “Pearl” [Briefing for CPNS Graduates of Polstat STIS Class of 2024]

December 10, 2024 | Other Activities

Taking place in the Hall, BPS Jambi Province held a hybrid meeting with the Head of BPS Regency/City, the Economic Census (SE) Team of BPS Jambi Province 2026, functional officials of Middle Experts, and CPNS graduates of Polstat STIS Class of 2024 (10/12). The meeting began with a briefing to sixteen CPNS graduates of Polstat STIS Class of 2024 by Agus Sudibyo, Head of BPS Jambi Province who was accompanied by the Head of General Affairs, Eko Libri Ardi. The briefing was carried out before the CPNS started working in several regencies in Jambi Province according to the placement decisions received.

The basic thing conveyed by Agus was related to the rules that must be obeyed by CPNS, and the understanding and application of the core values ​​of BerAKHLAK. Agus also emphasized to CPNS not to be surprised if they are involved in various jobs, including data collection in the field. "You need to know the business process in the field to sharpen your "sense" for data," said Agus. Finally, Agus advised the CPNS to be people who are busy improving their capacity for organizational performance, and are ready to face the world of work. "There is no such thing as you having mental health problems, and be a pearl, be a great person," concluded Agus.

Meanwhile, regarding the socialization of the results of the SE2026 preparation meeting, Agus conveyed the SE2026 planning, especially related to financial administration. The activities budgeted in 2025 at the provincial and district/city levels include updating the Geospatial Framework and Wilkerstat Content of SE2026, SE2026 dress rehearsal, updating the directory of advanced economic businesses/companies, procuring instruments, and compiling publicity materials.

Congratulations on joining the big family of BPS Jambi Province! Let's get ready for the 2026 Economic Census!
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