The State of Manpower of the Province of Jambi in August 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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The State of Manpower of the Province of Jambi in August 2019

Release Date : November 5, 2019
File Size : 1.05 MB


  • A total of 1,765.75 thousand inhabitants of Jambi are in the labor force, the number has decreased by 24.69 thousand people from August 2018. In line with that, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) also decreased 2.38 points.
  • In the past year, unemployment increased 4.89 thousand people, while TPT rose by 0.33 points. Judging from the level of education, the TPT for the population with the highest vocational education among other education levels was 10.64 percent, followed by the population having a general high school education of 7.6 and University graduates of 5.9 percent.
  • The working population is 1,691.78 thousand people, a decrease of 29.58 thousand people from August 2018. Sectors that have experienced an increase in the percentage of the population who work primarily in the Food and Drink Accommodation (0.83 percentage point) Sector, the Manufacturing Industry Sector ( 0.61 percentage point), Mining and quarrying sector (0.33 percentage point) and the transportation sector (0.32 percentage point). Meanwhile, the sectors that experienced a decline were the Agriculture Sector (1.91 percentage points), the Construction Sector (0.25 percentage points) and the Financial Services Sector (0.18 percentage points).
  • As many as 955,702 thousand people (56.49 percent) of the population work in informal activities, and as a percentage increased by 0.62 points compared to August 2018.
  • Of 1,691.78 thousand people employed, 8.77 percent were in the underemployed category and 28.72 percent were part-time workers. In the past year, half the unemployed rose by 1.15 points, while the increase in part-time workers by 0.18 points.
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