Foreign Trade Statistics of Jambi Province 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Foreign Trade Statistics of Jambi Province 2019

Catalog Number : 8202010.15
Publication Number : 15540.2006
ISSN/ISBN : 2655-4488
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 3, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.54 MB


The publication of the Jambi Province Foreign Trade Statistics 2019 is a routine publication published by the Jambi Province BPS. This publication contains a portrait of trade carried out by Jambi Province at the international level in the form of exports and imports of goods with other countries.

The preparation of the 2019 Jambi Province Foreign Trade Statistics Publication is intended to provide information about the development of Jambi Province's exports and imports. The information presented includes the value and volume of exports and imports based on commodity groups, destination countries, countries of origin and loading ports.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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