August 11, 2022 | Other Activities
Areca nut trees are very popular at the moment of the celebration of Indonesia's independence. The 17's series of events is even more lively with the areca climbing competition. The tall betel nut tree will be skinned and smeared with oil, at the top of which many attractive gifts will be hung. Areca climbing competitions are always a long-awaited entertainment. The main part of the areca nut that is widely used is the areca nut. In the past, we often saw grandmothers nginang. Nginang or betel nut is a tradition of chewing a mixture of areca nut, gambier, tobacco, lime, and cloves wrapped in betel leaf. Nginang is believed to be good for dental and oral health. Dried betel nut is also used as industrial and pharmaceutical raw materials. In industry, areca nut is used as a cosmetic mixture, a mixture of candy, as well as a natural dye in fabrics and cotton. Areca nut contains antioxidants so it is widely used in the pharmaceutical field. Its use is as a mixture for making medicines, such as dysentery medicine, worm medicine, mouthwash, and others. Besides being used domestically, areca nut is also an export commodity that also increases the country's foreign exchange. Areca nut is exported to many countries. In 2021, the export value of this commodity nationally will reach US$ 357 million. Jambi province also contributed greatly, about 40 percent of the value of national exports. President Joko Widodo a few months ago released 126 tons of areca nut exports in Pudak Village, Kumpeh Ulu, Muaro Jambi Regency. The areca nut container is ready to be dispatched to Pakistan with a value of around 4 billion rupiah. In his remarks, President Jokowi said that "the commodity needs to be continuously supported in order to become a major commodity that supports the economy". According to Jokowi, through the expansion of high-yielding varieties and the use of modern technology, areca nut can grow into a major commodity that supports the economy.
Indonesian Areca Exports Dominate
Indonesia controls the export of areca nut globally. In 2021, more than 60 percent of the world's betel nut exports will come from Indonesia. The second largest betel nut exporting country is a friendly country that is still in Southeast Asia, namely Myanmar. Followed by Sri Lanka in third position. The export value of areca nut from each country is US$ 139 million and US$ 46 million, respectively. The main destination country for betel nut exports nationally is Thailand. The export value to this white elephant country reached US$ 357 million. More than 50 percent of areca nut is exported to this neighboring country. The next largest betel nut export destinations are Iran and India. During 2021 the value is more than US$ 50 million and US$ 40 million.
Jambi Pinang, the Largest Agricultural Export Commodity
In Jambi, areca nut is the leading export commodity in the agricultural commodity group. More than share of this group's export value was contributed by areca nut. Its export value outperformed the export value of other agricultural commodities such as coffee, tea, and spices. The export value of areca nut from Jambi Province during 2021 was recorded at US $ 141 million. Its contribution is almost 40 percent of the total export of areca nut nationally. Jambi areca nut exports increased significantly in 2021, more than 40 percent compared to the previous year. This increase is higher than the percentage increase in national betel nut exports. National betel nut exports in 2021 will increase by around 39 percent. The high demand in the world market has triggered the increase in exports of these commodities. The main destination country for betel nut exports from Jambi Province is Thailand. Nearly 70 percent of the export value of areca nut jambi is obtained from a country dubbed The Land of Smiles. Other major destinations are Bangladesh, Iran, India and Nepal. 90 percent of the export value of areca nut is obtained from these five countries. In addition to the five main destination countries, areca nut jambi has been worldwide to Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, to the United Arab Emirates. The high areca nut exports are supported by the large area of areca nut plantations. Based on data from the Jambi Province Plantation Service, the area of areca nut in 2020 is 22 hectares. Almost of the land is planted with mature crops. Areca nut lands are concentrated in 2 districts, namely Tanjung Jabung Timur and Tanjung Jabung Barat. The percentages of areca nut in the two districts ranged from 40 percent and 50 percent, respectively.
Betara Pinang: Featured Areca Varieties
Jambi has a superior variety of areca nut, namely betel nut. Betara betel nut was declared as superior betel nut by SK MENTAN No. 199/Kpts/SR.120/1/2013. The first advantage of betel nut is faster growth. At the age of 4-5 years, this betel nut has started to show signs of learning to bear fruit. Areca nut starting to flower. The age of 6-7 years areca nut has entered a productive period. The age of the betera betel nut is also long, reaching 25 years. The second advantage is the production of a lot of fruit. Betara nut has dense fruit. There are about 130 betel nuts per bunch. In a year, betara betel production can reach 5-6 bunches. Betara betel nut is quite large compared to other local areca nut. The weight per whole grain reaches 47 grams or the equivalent of 8.68 grams of dry seeds. This betel nut has many advantages. Areca nut export prospects are increasingly open. The world's demand for areca nut is getting higher. This opportunity must be seized properly. The addition of land area, the use of superior seeds, and modern agricultural technology are expected to support the increase in exports. The results of the time-series statistical analysis show that the value of areca nut exports from Jambi Province will still increase. However, the increase is not as impressive as 2021. It is estimated that exports will increase by around 10%. In order to increase areca nut exports, a strategy from upstream to downstream is needed. Extension of farmers must be encouraged, the help of modern tools for drying areca nut is reproduced. In addition, export MoUs to various countries must be expanded. Hopefully areca nut can continue to develop into a major commodity that supports the economy.
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