FGD on the Challenges of Rubber Development in Jambi Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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FGD on the Challenges of Rubber Development in Jambi Province

FGD on the Challenges of Rubber Development in Jambi Province

July 23, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at the Rumah Kito Hotel and Resort, Jambi City, an FGD was held with the theme of the Challenges of Rubber Development in Jambi Province in the Condition of Declining Competitiveness of the National Rubber Industry. This activity was initiated by the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Satya Bumi and the Indonesian Environmental Forum (WALHI) Jambi.

This activity presented 3 (three) Speakers (Resource Persons), namely Agus Sudibyo, M.Stat (Head of the Jambi Province BPS), Ir. Agus Rizal, M.M (Head of the Jambi Province Plantation Service), and Zakky Fathoni, S.P., M.Sc (Lecturer in the Agribusiness Study Program, University of Jambi), with moderator Dwi Nanto (WALHI Jambi Program Manager). Also present at this activity were NGO representatives from the Setara Foundation and CAPPA Jambi.

Agus said that agriculture is the business sector that absorbs the largest workforce in Jambi. In the economic structure, the contribution of plantations to the GRDP of Jambi Province has the highest added value, with a percentage that continues to increase, and has the highest NTP compared to other agricultural sectors.

"The area of ​​rubber in Jambi is the second highest nationally. However, dry rubber production in Jambi has decreased in the last 5 years. However, rubber still dominates exports in Jambi," said Agus Sudibyo in his presentation.

In this FGD, there was a presentation and discussion regarding the condition of rubber in Jambi, problem formulation and several studies from the facilitators and participants. Hopefully this activity can be input for studies on rubber in Jambi.
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