Workshop on Understanding Indicators and Filling in Tourism and Creative Economy Data in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Workshop on Understanding Indicators and Filling in Tourism and Creative Economy Data in 2024

Workshop on Understanding Indicators and Filling in Tourism and Creative Economy Data in 2024

July 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (26/7) morning at the Luminor Jambi Hotel, the Jambi Provincial Culture and Tourism Office held a Workshop on Understanding Indicators and Filling in Tourism and Creative Economy Data in 2024 which was attended by sisparnas administrators and surveyor coordinators from all regencies and cities throughout Jambi Province.

This activity aims to improve understanding of indicators and procedures for filling in tourism and creative economy data in the national tourism information system and create good destination governance and the compilation of regional tourism and creative economy data and information in encouraging tourism development in the regions.

The workshop speakers came from both the central and regional levels. The central speakers were Andhy. M.T. Marpaung as a Young Expert Policy Analyst at the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and Toni Bagus as a Consultant for the National Tourism Information System (SISPARNAS) of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Meanwhile, the regional resource person came from BPS Jambi Province, Susiawati Kristiarini as an Associate Expert Statistician. On this occasion, Susiawati provided material on data collection methods and techniques and their relation to Sisparnas.

In his speech, the Head of the Jambi Province Culture and Tourism Office, Imron Rosyadi, hoped that through this workshop, accountable, valid, and up-to-date tourism sector data could be formed.
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