Workshop on Strengthening Research Analysis of Management Studies with Artificial Intelligence (AI) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Workshop on Strengthening Research Analysis of Management Studies with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Workshop on Strengthening Research Analysis of Management Studies with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

October 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Taking place in the Hall of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Building, Jambi University, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Jambi University held a workshop with the theme Strengthening Research Analysis of Management Studies with the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools (5/10). Present at this event were speakers from the Jambi Province BPS, Hery Sasria, S.Si, M.SE and moderator Dwi Utaminingsih S.Psi, M.M. Head of the Management Study Program Dr. H. Tona Aurora Lubis S.E, M.M in his speech said that this workshop event was an effort to increase the capacity of writing theses and sharing knowledge with lecturers and management master students. It is hoped that today's activities will be a reference and part of LPPM's dedication. The workshop activity was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Jambi University, Prof. Dr. Shofia Amin S.E, M.Si. Shofia advised that in the era of technological advancement, we cannot ignore the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, this AI should not be used and consumed raw. This can cause the brain to be unproductive and dependent on technology. AI should only be used as a tool and as a reference for finding ideas or concepts. The resource person from BPS Jambi Province explained the material on the use of AI in scientific papers. AI greatly helps optimize and improve the quality of theses and journals. AI technology also helps speed up the writing process from the data search stage to the final check. In addition, AI opens up opportunities for discovering new ideas or concepts that can increase the novelty of research. Technology can be a double-edged sword depending on its users, whether they can use it well or use it with bad intentions. The hope is that the workshop will be a learning experience on how to use technology wisely and in balance.
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