Data Processing and Statistical Analysis to Strengthen Accounting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Data Processing and Statistical Analysis to Strengthen Accounting

Data Processing and Statistical Analysis to Strengthen Accounting

September 3, 2024 | Other Activities

Located in the Postgraduate Hall of Jambi University, Jambi Province BPS resource persons were present at the Data Processing and Statistical Analysis Workshop for Strengthening Accounting (3/9).

The workshop was opened by the Head of the Accounting Department, Dr. Nela Savelia SE, M.Si and attended by the Head of the Diploma III Accounting Study Program, Dr. Wirmie Eka Putra SE, M.Sc.
In her speech, Nela explained that the campus lecturers who taught so far only provided theory, to complete the practice, Jambi University needed practitioner lecturers from BPS Jambi Province.

Wirmie said that this activity was carried out for 3 days. The first day of the workshop participants learned to prepare proposals, the second day was data processing and statistical analysis, and the third day had the theme of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for accounting. The aim of the second day of the workshop is for accounting students to understand statistical processes and be able to see relationships between variables.

The workshop activities were attended by several lecturers, 60 students from the Jambi University accounting diploma program, and 10 statistical agents. The workshop material was an introduction to statistical analysis by Hery Sasria SE, M.SE, the first expert statistician at BPS Jambi Province.
Then continued with data processing practices using SPSS.
In the future, students will not only be able to process data but will be able to see insights so that their analysis will be richer. Workshop participants are expected to be able to answer the problems and phenomena of the data being processed so that they are able to complete the final assignment.
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