Regional Coordination Meeting for the 2024 Jambi Province Agricultural Economic Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jambi Province

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Regional Coordination Meeting for the 2024 Jambi Province Agricultural Economic Survey

Regional Coordination Meeting for the 2024 Jambi Province Agricultural Economic Survey

October 14, 2024 | Other Activities

Taking place at the Swiss-Bel Jambi Hotel, on Monday to Tuesday (14-15/10) BPS Jambi Province held a Regional Coordination Meeting for the 2024 Jambi Province Agricultural Economic Survey. Several related agencies attended the coordination meeting, including the Jambi Province Bappeda, Jambi Province Communication and Information Service, Jambi Province Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock Service, Jambi Province Plantation Service, Jambi Province Marine Fisheries Service, Jambi Province Forestry Service, Jambi Province Food Security Service and BPS Regency/City throughout Jambi Province.

Acting Regional Secretary of Jambi Province Arif Munandar in his remarks stated that, as one of the leading sectors in the economy, Agriculture plays an important role in the formation of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and the acceleration of economic growth in Jambi Province. In addition, agriculture is also the main support for labor absorption in Jambi Province. Arif hopes that agricultural economic data can capture strategic issues in agricultural development such as modernization of agricultural technology, farmer regeneration, farmer welfare, and environmentally friendly agriculture. With the availability of quality and up-to-date agricultural data, it is hoped that decision-making can be more efficient and limited development resources can be allocated effectively and utilized as widely as possible for the welfare of the community in accordance with the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.
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